THE VILLAGES SAILING CLUB. Continues to operate. They had picnic and sail on Lake Miona last week and will have a sail this weekend on Lake Sumter Sunday afternoon. Putting the boats in about noon and sail from 1PM and out by 5PM.
Commodore Richard Moser had his computer out currently, so they are sort of out of the loop now.
THE OCALA SAILING CLUB. Has the invitation to their Regatta below. That is a conflict with the Mt. Dora regatta, but I assume more small scale and personal. The editor here dosen't take sides in these things. I race a Laser now, but have done a lot of these other things.
LAKE EUSTIS SAILING CLUB. Report below about last weekend and this coming weekend is the big multiclass (except MC scows) GEORGE WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY REGATTA. Practice race on Friday and the real thing on Saturday and Sunday. Three courses, Porstmouth, lots of Scots, Lasers, 420s, Opti, camping, food-- all that stuff.
CENTRAL FLORIDA YACHT CLUB. No news from them. Trip to Boca Ciego last week?? Next on their list is the Clemens Cup Regatta March 14 and 15 at Hickory Point on Lake Harris and then the Mt. Dora Regatta on April 4 and 5.
LAKE MONROE SAILING ASSOCIATION. They should have just finished races 4-5-6 of the winter series - no report. Sunday Social Sail scheduled for Feb 22.
I messed up the Tequila report last week and will try to stick it in right here. Look and see if it shows up. Well, I got it at the top of the blog, but probably too small to read. Sorry again.
I just looked and if you click on the report it should enlarge so you can read all the stuff-- who
and what.
THE SAILING CLUB OF CENTRAL FLORIDA. We are still on the January and February news letter and no info about the coming programs. The next meeting at Colonialtown Community Center Feb 23. All the telephone numbers listed on the web site so it should be easy to call and find out what is happening if you are interested in going. I am sure the other things are happening -- social sail, races and lessons. Call if interested.
LAKE HARRIS SAILING CLUB. Last Tuesday about 25 people for lunch at Sarabande. Three came a Cape Dory Typhoon, the rest in cars. The docks there are sad, golfing and housing looks great. Will be more raft up and sails on Lake Harris with potlucks around the lake.
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