Friday, December 24, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club activities finished up the year in a variety of weather conditions. Two weekends ago, sixty boats sailing for the Laser District 13 Championship Regatta (all of Florida) had very light winds on Saturday and a real blow on Sunday with gusts over 30 MPH and multiple capsizes. This past weekend it was rainy, cold, but with pleasant winds.

The Championship Regatta standard rig division was won by 18 year old Michael Zonnenberg of Tampa , grandson of local sailor Martin Zonnenberg Sr. Second was Luke Lawrence of Palm City and third David Chapin of Winter Springs. Eric Lawrence of Palm City was the first youth in this group. Tampa’s Conner Blouin won the radial division with Erika Reineke second. She was also the first youth and first woman. Liam McCarthy of St. Pete won the 4.7 fleet followed by Sophie Naughton of Marblehead, MA and Martin Hood of St. Pete.

In local racing in the rain this past weekend Rob Krentel was first in Laser with Sam Chapin second and Marc Solal third. Flying Scot races were won by Ray Laguna, second Chris Erickson, and third Dean Grimes and Joe Lobato. Bob Newland won both MC scow races with Jack Kern seocnd and Geoff Moehl third.

Racing will continue on New Years Day.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Team and Match Racing Opportunities in event supplied keel boats over the winter break at Lake Virginia in Winter Park, Florida.

The Orlando Youth Match Race (age 16 and up) has been expanded to a one day keel boat Team Race on December 29, 2010 and a one day ISAF Grade 5 Match Race on December 30, 2010. On December 28, there will be a practice day for both events with a 6 keel boat fleet race to determine the seeding for the 3 on 3 Keel Boat Team Race. All races will be sailed with skipper and two crew using main, jib and spinnakers. The new format will be also be used for the Coed Collegiate Match Race January 15-17, 2011. The change will incorporate both team and match racing to enable umpires in training to obtain the required number of on the water umpiring events for umpire certification. Registration information at or email at

Competitors will meet at the newly expanded dock at the Rollins College Boathouse on Lake Virginia and rig and sail the 6 keel boat fleet over to Dinky Dock Park where the match race and team racing will be based.

Thank You,

Larry Landrigan

Lake Baldwin Florida Community Sailing


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Kettle Cup 2010
Sunfish Catalina 22 San Juan 21 Planing Portsmouth

Summary printed: 12/5/2010 2:09:39 PM
Scoring System: ISAF Low Point

76685 Sunfish Int. Strauley, Paul 1 4 2 1 1 9 1
60858 Sunfish (Intl) Heausler, Gail 2 3 1 2 2 10 2
84800 Sunfish (Intl) Strauley, Mindy 4 2 3 3 3 15 3
53100 Sunfish (Intl) Olson, Ursula 3 1 4 5 4 17 4
80858 Sunfish (Intl) Schartz, Linda 5 6 6 4 7 28 5
3511 Sunfish (Intl) Garber, Lorretta 6 5 5 7 7 30 6

Catalina 22

Boater's Exchange Catalina 22 FK n/sp Waters, Joe 1 2 1 1 1 6 1
Mercury Rising Catalina 22 FK n/sp Ruffe, Brad 3 3 2 2 2 12 2
813 Girl Dog Catalina 22 FK n/sp Hellings, Paul 4 1 3 4 3 15 3
Sentuous Slob Catalina 22 FK n/sp Pivonka, Albert 2 4 6 3 6 21 4
Change of Heart Catalina 22 FK n/sp Gatta, Alex 5 5 4 5 4 23 5

San Juan 21

1795 Ol Yeller San Juan 21 SK ClG&Sp Evenly, Kyle 1 1 1 2 2 7 1
2367 Pivot San Juan 21 SK ClG&Sp Pawlowski, Randy 2 2 2 1 1 8 2
Dixie Chicken San Juan 21 SK ClG&Sp Jones, Ralph 4 4 3 3 3 17 3
2430 Black Jack San Juan 21 SK ClG&Sp Dyll, Tom 7 6 6 4 4 27 4
Big Red Juan San Juan 21 SK ClG&Sp Blevins, Willie 5 3 4 8 8 28 5
810 Just US San Juan 21 SK ClG&Sp Brown, Carlton 3 5 5 8 8 29 6
2300 San Juan 21 SK ClG&Sp Padgett, Mike 6 8 7 5 8 34 7

191 PDQ SR MAX Daniels, Patric SR-21 1 5 2 1 2 11 1
J Azureus Javelin McCabe, DJ JAV 3 1 1 2 4 11 2
50 Chucky's RaiderII 16 Draw, John RDRII 2 2 4 3 1 12 3
Miss Mutineer 15' SWN15 Davis, Jim MUTR 4 3 3 4 3 17 4
Out Mutineer 15' SWN15 Eller, Jerry MUTR 5 4 7 7 7 30 5
RedWitch Day Sailer O'Day 17 Webb, Tim DS 6 6 7 7 7 33 6


130 Point Blank Hunter 23 Wing Keel Sims, Ed HTR23 2 3 1 2 2 10 1
518 Show Me Precision 23 Forrest, Andy PRS23 3 1 3 3 3 13 2
107 Risky Business S2 7.9 Hayden, Fisk S2-7.9 1 9 2 1 1 14 3
FreSpirit Catalina 27/270 FK/WK Hoffring, Don CAT27 4 4 4 4 4 20 4
60 Vulcan Mermaid S2 6.9 Herter, Jeff S2-6.9 5 2 5 7 5 24 5
213 Wing'n It Precision 23 McLarty, Brent PRS23 7 5 6 5 7 30 6
76 Shearwater Corsair 27 Hopton, Eric 6 6 8 6 8 34 7
MonCheri Catalina 25 FK/SK/WK Jackson, Bob CAT25 8 7 7 8 6 36 8

Monday, November 22, 2010


These are the results from the Sunday November 20, 2010, 2 on 2 Keel Boat team Race at Rollins College on Lake Virginia.
Thank You,
Larry Landrigan
Lake Baldwin Florida Community Sailing

Hi Everyone,

We had another beautiful day on the water at Lake Virginia. 13 sailors took to
the waters in 4 to 6 mph winds with gusts of 8 and 9 mph.
4 Geary 18's competed in 5 races - 2 on the yellow team and 2 on the blue
team. They sailed a box windward/leeward modified course.

Yellow team finished the day with 20 points and Blue team had a total of 30

Great job by all!!

See you again on December 4 and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Saturday, November 13, 2010


Special Olympics Sailing Program Team Race Results

- Larry Landrigan, Lake Baldwin Florida Community Sailing LLC.


It was a great turnout for our first sailing day and the weather was great! We
had 4 Geary 18 keel boats and two Hobies racing a windward/leeward "square" course with a finish to windward. The winds were a perfect 5 to 6 mph from the
north-northwest. Two keel boats were on the blue team with one Hobie and Two other keel boats
were on the Yellow team with the other Hobie.
Here are the result totals for the 5 races:
Boat #1 Blue - 11 (2 firsts, 1 second, 1 third, 1 fourth)

Boat #2 Blue - 14 (1 first, 1 second, 1 third, 2 fourths)
Boat #4 Yellow - 12 (2 firsts, 2 thirds, 1 fourth)
Boat #5 Yellow - 13 (3 seconds, 1 third, 1 fourth)

Hobie Blue - 7 (3 firsts, 2 seconds)Hobie Yellow - 8 (2 firsts, 3 seconds)

Total points for each team:
Blue = 32
Yellow = 33

Great job to both teams!! It was a very close competition.The next team race event is Saturday November 29, 2010 starting around 10:00 A.M. on Lake Virginia at Rollins College.


Monday, November 8, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club suffered from the high winds and cold temperatures of the past week end with fewer sailors venturing out and of those that did, some had to be towed back in with broken parts and swamped hulls.

The MC Scow class winner for the weekend was Tim Fredman. Mike Baldacchino second and Geoff Moehl third.

Tom McNally, new to Flying Scots, took first place in Scots with Ray Laguna second and George Golder third.

First in Lasers was Tom Rhodes followed by Sam Chapin and Rob Krentel.

Next weekend will be the MC Scow Southeastern district Championship with 40 sailors coming from Texas to South Carolina to attend a clinic on Friday and races on Saturday and Sunday.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
November 3rd Rum Race
1ST Just Us SJ-21 Aggie and Carlton Brown 94.7
2nd Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archambault 91.2
3rd TD SJ-21 Tom Dyll 94.7
4th Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
5th Azureus JAV 1772 DJ McCabe 110.328
6th Stealing Time HTR260 Steve Dix 91.2
7th Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
8th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4
8th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin 100

Monday, November 1, 2010


Fortyseven youth sailors from across Florida sailed at the Lake Eustis Sailing Club over the weekend in the Fourth Annual Inland Lake Youth Championship races.

They had good winds on Saturday for four and five races and then on Sunday looked at their reflections in the smooth water until it was time for trophies, lunch, and pack up for home.

The Laser Radial winner was local sailor Ben Getchell with Bianca Mesa of McIntosh second and Ryan Clark of Deltona Beach third.

Alicia Muscato of Fort Myers was first in the Laser4.7 class, Arden Haley of Deltona Beach was second and Delancy Caron of Deltona third.

In the Club 420 class Darcy Jensen/Melanie Ladley of Eustis were first, Franklin Trainer/Courtney Bond of Deltona Beach second and Caroline Ladley/Keegan Connally third.

Overall winner of the Optimist Pram group was Johnny Fewell of Jacksonville, Lucas Galarza of Venice second and Max Epaillaird of Mt. Dora third. Gabriel Mesa of McIntosh was fourth.

In the beginners Opti group Bobby Guild of Jacksonville was first, Cape Monn of Eustis second and Reedy Monahan of Jacksonville third.

Next weekend, the Lake Eustis Sailing Club will return to Club Racing with the 16th Southeast Regional MC Scow Championship Regatta the following week.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
October 28th Rum Race

1st Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
3rd Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4
4th Azureus JAV 1772 DJ McCabe 111.3
5th Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archambault 91.2
6th Stealing Time HTR260 Steve Dix 91.2
7th Dauntless PRS23 Lee Adkison 96
8th Mon Cheri CAT25 Bob Jackson 93.9

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
October 20th Rum Race

1st Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
3rd Monkey Butt FS5 Byron Hicks 95.4
4th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4
5th Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archambault 91.2
6th HA HA PRS23 129 DJ McCabe 96
7th Dauntless PRS23 Lee Adkison 96
8th Mariner MAR19 Jack 101.8
9th Mon Cheri CAT25 Bob Jackson 93.9 DNF
9th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin 100 DNF


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club was awash with some 80 young sailors plus parents, family, friends and coaches as 34 high school sailing crews from across Florida raced this past Saturday. Each with a crew of two, they managed with 17 boats by rotating boats and sailing in alternate races through the day from 10 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon.

Michael Zonnenberg of the Henry B. Plant High School of Tampa lead his group to the overall win with the best scores and three first place finishes in the eight races that he sailed. Michael is the grandson of local sailor Martin Zonnenberg.

Tampa Jesuit High School was second and St Thomas Aquinas High School of Fort Lauderdale finished third.

Local developing Eustis High School sailing team of Ben Getchell, Seth Behr, Bart Eckhart, Melanie and Caroline Ladley was 15th .

Next weekend the Lake Eustis Sailing Club will host the Fifth Annual Youth Inland Lakes Championship for Optimist Prams, Club 420 boats, and Lasers.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Calling all sailors, sailing associations and yacht clubs. The Lake Monroe Sailing Association would like to invite all to come an sail in the 9th Annual Kettle Cup Regatta.

Since 2001, The Lake Monroe Sailing Association has hosted the Kettle Cup Regatta to help families in need during the holiday season. Each year the Kettle Cup Regatta raises funds to assist the Salvation Army of Seminole County bring joy to families in the area. Last year's donated proceeds helped the Salvation Army feed over 40 families.

This year we hope to provide more to our local families in need but we need you. We need sailors to come out and participate in the Kettle Cup Regatta which is being held on December 3rd through the 5th. Sailing associations and clubs you can help by posting the attached announcement on your bulletin board or website to get the word out.

If anyone would like to donate their time by volunteering in this event please contact us by replying to this email. For a copy of the NOR, registration form and information about The Lake Monroe Sailing Association, please go to our website by clicking here. or contact Bill Kruger at or Jerry Eller at

We look forward to seeing you on the water. Come on out and sail, it is why you bought the boat in the first place.

Fair Winds,
The Lake Monroe Sailing Association
PO Box 297
Sanford, FL 32771

Google Groups Page:

Monday, October 18, 2010


Lake Monroe Sailing Association

1st Swamp Boogie Queen SJ 21 992 Willie Blevins 94.7 2.0 2.0 2.0
2nd Ol Yeller SJ 21 1795 Kyle Everly 94.7 5.0 1.0 1.0
3rd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96 1.0 6.0 3.0
4th Vulcan Mermaid S2-6.7 60 Jeff Herter 87.4 6.0 3.0 4.0
5th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin 100 4.0 9.0 5.0
6th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden90.6 9.0 5.0 6.0
8th Risky Business S2-7.9 294 Fisk Hayden 81 7.0 4.0 11.0 DNC
9th Blue Whale C22 11178 Steve Siegfried 96.3 8.0 10.0 7.0
10th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4 10.0 7.0 9.0

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
October 13th Rum Race

1st Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
3rd Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archambault 91.2
4th Swamp Boggie Queen SJ-21 Willie Blevins 94.7
5th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4
6th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin 100

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club suffered from the light winds of the weekend resulting in shortened races. .Patrick Harmon was the first MC scow with David Leather second and Vincent Renzoni third. Ten other members of the MC scow fleet were at the MC scow championship races at Lake Lanier, Georgia. Ray Laguna won the Flying Scot weekend with Tom McNally second and Dean Grimes/ Joe Lobato third. All three Wayfarer races were won by Dave Hepting. Mike Murto was second and Jim McIntyre third. Alejandro Illera was first in the Laser fleet with Sam Chapin second and Rob Krentel third.

Club Racing and youth sailing instruction continue next week.


Wednesday October 13th - The Lake Monroe Sailing Association will host their Wednesday Night Rum Race. All sailors are invited to participate in the Wednesday Rum Race sponsored by Cruzan Rum. As we are losing more and more daylight all boats should be over the line by 6:30pm, All captains must turn in their elapsed time to Mike Loughlin or Andy Forrest at Wolfy's. The winner will receive a bottle of Cruzan Rum

Saturday, October 16th - The Lake Monroe Sailing Association will hold their monthly club race. This Saturday races will begin the 2010 Winter series. Captains meeting will be held at 10:00am and races will start at 11:00am. After the races, LMSA will hold their monthly club meeting at the Black Swan starting at 3pm.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by email or by phone. We can me reached at 407-321-5317.
Lake Monroe Sailing Association

Monday, October 11, 2010


Baldwin Florida Community Sailing Winter Schedule for events in Winter Park Florida on Lake Virginia at the Rollins College Alfond Boat House.

The Orange County Special Olympics Adaptive Sailing Classes will be held October 23rd, November 6th, 13th, and 20th, 2010 from 9:00 AM till 12:00 Noon with high school, college and the general public match racing training sessions following in the afternoon on the same days from 1:00 PM till 3:30 PM.

Orlando Youth Match Race, December 28-30, 2010 – Ages 15 and up, ISAF Grade 5 event, Bring your own coach. With match racing now part of college sailing this is a good event for high school and college sailing teams to attend.

Coed Collegiate Match Race, January 15 – 17, 2011 – ISAF Grade 5 event for high school and college sailing teams with openings for women’s Olympic teams wanting to use the event as a warm up for the Miami OCR match races.

For information visit website at email at or call Larry Landrigan at 407-467-8787

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
October 6th Rum Race

1st Hopton F-27 Tri Eric Hopton 70.5
2ND When Frogs Fly FST Byron Hicks 89.7
3rd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
4th Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archambault 91.2
5th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin 100
6th Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
7th Sail Gator S2-7.9 Jerry Brinton 81
8th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4

Monday, October 4, 2010


To all LMSA Members and Friends:

Here is what is happening at the Lake Monroe Sailing Association this week!

First, a big thank you to all of the volunteers and participants in last weekend's Sanford Fall Regatta! This was great success and a great regatta as over 20 boats participated in this years event. It was a perfect weekend of sailing on Lake Monroe with spectacular wind and cool temperatures. Thank again to DJ and Andy for putting this years regatta together! Some pictures have already been posted by Tom, so visit our website to see them. Click here to go to LMSA website.

Wednesday, October 6th: The Lake Monroe Sailing Association will continue to host their Wednesday Rum Race sponsored by Cruzan Rums! We still have sunlight so we are going to continue to race every Wednesday until it is just to dark. All Sailors are invited to come and participate with LMSA in this event. If you are looking to crew please check out our new LMSA CREW PAGE on the website. All boats over the line by 6:30pm. As always, turn in your elapsed time at Wolfy's for scoring. Some lucky sailor will walk away with a bottle of Cruzan Rum.

Saturday, October 16th: LMSA will host their Club Race and Club meeting. Look for more information to come out on this.

Lake Monroe Sailing Association
PO Box 297
Sanford, FL 32771

Google Groups Page:


The Lake Eustis Sailing club had its 12th Annual Catamaran Regatta this past weekend with 42 boats from across Florida including Miami, Tampa, Crest View, Merritt Island, Coco Beach, Orlando, Fort Pierce and Daytona.

The largest class was the A Class catamarans with 12. Bob Careywon, Bret Moss was second and Woody Cope third.

In the Formula 17 class, Riley McDonald was first , Tim Bohan second and Terry Beck third.

John Casey lead the Formula 18 group with Robbie Daniel next and Karl Bonifant third.

Hobie 16 winner was Pete Haley. Mike Burley was second and Bob Johnson third..

Open non-spinnaker class was won by Mark Baker in a Nacra 5.5, second was Rick Uschold with a Prindle 18 and third Don Harper in a Hobie 18.

The Open spinnaker group was lead by Kent Cooper sailing a Nacra 17 followed by Rick Loewen in a Nacra 2.0 and Joe Princess third in a Nacra 5.2

Club Racing and Youth instruction continues next weekend.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
September 29th Rum Race

1st Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
3rd Dauntless PRS23 Lee Adkison 96
4th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4
5th Azureus JAV DJ McCabe 111.3
6th Endurance SPL21K Tom Dyll
7th Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archambault 91.2
8th Mon Cheri CAT25 Bob Jackson 93.9
9th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin 100

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club winter season is underway with club racing this past weekend the annual Catamaran regatta this coming weekend.

The weekend winners in the MC scow class were David Helmick first, Robert Cole second, Richard Kinnie was third. Candi Rob was the first woman with Jennifer Jones the second woman.

The Flying Scot winner was Ray Laguna with Dean Grimes second and Jack Bazner third.

Jim Lingeman lead the Wayfarer Group with David Hepting seocnd and Mike Murto third.

In the Laser class Alejandro Illera was first with Rob Krentel second and Bianca Mesa third. She was also the first woman and the first Youth.

Learn to sail classes for young sailors continues every Saturday.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Summer Series 5-6-7-8
Lake Monroe Sailing Association

1st Ol' Yellow SJ 21 LMSA Kyle Everly 94.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0
2nd Just Us SJ 21 LMSA Carlton Brown 94.7 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 10.0
3rd Show Me PRS23 518 LMSA Andy Forrest 96 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 16.0
4th Vulcan Mermaid S2-6.7 LMSA Jeff Herter 87.4 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 17.0
4th SJ 21 SJ 21 LMSA Willie Blevins 94.7 4.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 17.0
6th Cast-a-Way PSN26 LMSA Richard McFayden 90.7 8.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 26.0
7th Risky Business S2-7.9 LMSA Fisk Hayden 81 6.0 9.0 DNS 8.0 6.0 29.0
7th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 LMSA Mike Loughlin 100 7.0 7.0 6.0 9.0 29.0

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
September 8 2010 Rum Race

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
2nd Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
3rd Sail Gator S2-7.9 Jerry Brinton 81
4th Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archamhault 91.2
5th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoofring 87.4

Monday, September 6, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club started the Fall and Winter Season with Saturday and Sunday Labor Day weekend races that were cut short by the lack of wind Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Winners of the shortened series in the MC scows were Bob Cole first, John Houck second and David Helmick third.
In the flying Scots Caroline Chapin with crew David Chapin was first, Ray Laguna with Lorenzo Mesa second and Greg Murphy with Monte Stamper third. In the Wayfarer fleet Jim Lingeman was first, and Mike Murto second. In the Laser group Rob Krentel was first, Luke Yates second, and Bianca Mesa third. Luke was the first youth. Bianca was the second Youth and the first Woman.

The Laser group had a separate series on Monday with Rob Krentel first, Craig Yates second and David Chapin third. Caroline Chapin was the first Youth and first Woman. Luke Yates was the second Youth.

Regular racing continues next week end and the first Regatta is for Catamaran sailboats October seocnd and third.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
September 1st Rum Race

1st When Frogs Fly FST LMSA Byron Hicks 89.7
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 LMSA Andy Forrest 96
3rd Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 LMSA Mike Loughlin 100
4th Free Spirit CAT27 LMSA Don Hoffering 87.4
5th Sail Gator S2-7.9 LMSA Jerry Brinton 81
6th Risky Business S2-7.9 LMSA Fisk Hayden 81
7th Endurance SPL21K LMSA Tom Dyll 96.6
8th Miss P LMSA Mike Padgett 96.7
9th Blue Whale C22 Steve Siegfried 96.3
9th Andiamo PRS23 LMSA John North 96

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
August 25th Rum Race

1st Andiamo PRS23 LMSA John North 96
2nd When Frogs Fly FST LMSA Byron Hicks 89.7
3rd Show Me PRS23 518 LMSA Andy Forrest 96
4th Risky Business S2-7.9 LMSA Fisk Hayden 81
5th Blue Whale C22 Steve Siegfried 96.3
6th Free Spirit CAT27 LMSA Don Hoffering 87.4

Monday, August 23, 2010


Summer Laser sailboat racing at the Lake Eustis sailing Club ended this past weekend with brisk winds on Saturday and light frustrating wind on Sunday before the thunderstorm. Rob Krentel was the winner of the Saturday races with Tom McNally second and Bianca Mesa third. Bianca was also the first woman and the first youth. Sam Chapin was first overall on Sunday with Dean Grimes second and Jerry Beck third.

Regular racing of all classes will start Labor Day and continue through the winter.

Sailing lessons for youth ages 8 to 15 in Optimist prams and high school students in the 420s start this coming Saturday.


Summer Series 2010
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
Races 1-2-3-4

1st Show Me P23 518 LMSA Andy Forrest 96 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0
2nd Risky Business S2-7.9 LMSA Fisk Hayden 81 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 8.0
3rd Free Spirit C-27 LMSA Don Hoofering 87.4 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 16.0
4th Andiamo P23 LMSA John North 96 8.0 DNC 3.0 4.0 2.0 17.0
5th No Name FD LMSA Jeff Herter 80.1 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 18.0
6th Kingston Girl C-22 LMSA Anthony Roy 96.3 DNC DNC 5.0 6.0 27.0
7th Endurance SPL21K LMSA Tom Dyll 96.6 DNF DNC DNC DNC 32.0

Friday, August 20, 2010


Seven boats participated this week under good and challenging wind conditions. At the 6 p.m. starting time the winds were WSW at 7k as predicted.
It looked like a reach, reach simple Rum Race. By 6:15 we had east winds at 7k for a dead run to the first mark. At 6:30 we had a west wind at 12k. This was fine for the early starters who had rounded the mark before the 180 degree shift. Tom Dyll in his Sea Pearl 21 was first around the mark and in good form. For those who hadn't reached the mark the challenges began. Many tacks into a wind line gusting to 15k. By 7:30 it had returned to an easy WSW as it was when we started. Of the seven boats that started 4 turned in times due to various equipment and wind related issues. The Sea Pearl may have sailed to her first Rum reward but lost the time when Tom's I- Phone got waterlogged in the squall line.


Show Me Andy F. 38:09 39:31 net
Fisky Business Steve Heyden 33:27 41:18 net
Hobie 16 Byron/ DJ 34:50 46:49 net
Free Spirit Don H. 52:36 58:57 net
Sea Pearl Tom D. DNF Timer trouble
Miss P Mike P. DNF Wind Trouble
Dutchman Jeff H. DNS Furler trouble

Monday, August 9, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club Laser fleet had eight boats racing this weekend and was able to get in seven races. Good wind on Starturday before the storm and light squirrely winds between the storms on Sunday made the sailing a challenge. Alejandro Illera won 6 of the seven races and was the leader. Rob Krentel won the other race and was second for the weekend. Patrick Daniel was third.

Youth sailors Seth Behr, Nicole Dormand, Luke Yates, and Chris Nagy went sailing at Deltona Beach while Caroline and Dave Chapin sailed at the Palm Beach Sailing Club.

MC scow boats will race in two weeks as well as the Laser fleet. Lessons for sailors 8 to 18 years of age will start Saturday August 28 at the Lake Eustis Sailing Club.

Monday, July 26, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing club Laser fleet danced with the winds on Saturday and struggled with the super light and shifty winds of Sunday. The big winner of Saturday and the big winner of Sunday sailed only one day, so the weekend’s first place goes to 2nd and 4th place Sam Chapin. Second for the weekend was Patrick Daniel and third was Randy Rea visiting from Crystal River. He wan 5 of the six races on Saturday.

The first youth was Luke Yates. Second was Chris Nagy with Trevor Chapin third.

The weekend before the MC scows had there annual Match Race series with Craig Eaton first, David Leather second and John Houck third.

Lasers witll race again in two weeks.

Sailing lessons for ages 8 to 18 will start Saturday, August 28, 9AM to noon. For more information call Leah Ladley 352-357-5967.

Monday, July 19, 2010


The Annual Round Robin Match Racing sailboat contest in MC scows was held at the Lake Eustis Sailing Club this past weekend. Twelve boats were entered and the racing was won by Craig Eaton of Sanford with David Leather of Kissimee second and John Houck of Salt Springs third. Candi Robb of Eustis was the first woman and Jennifer Jones of Eustis was the second woman.

In the usual sailboat race, the boats all start at the same time and race to the finish. In match racing, two boats start together and race each other to the finish. With round robin racing the pairing is rotated till every one sails against all the others individually. Twelve boats equals eleven parings and 66 individual races. They were able to do that even with the dying wind on Sunday and add a “top dog” sail off between the top two over the weekend.

Laser boat racing will continue every other weekend and regular MC racing once a month during the Summer.

Sailing lessons for ages 8 to 18 will begin again on Saturdays in September.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


LMSA Wednesday Night Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
July 14 2010

1st Sail Gator S2-7.9 293 Jerry Brinton
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest
3rd Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden
4th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett


Monday, July 12, 2010


At the Lake Eustis Sailing Club, twelve Laser sailboats raced over the week end. Five races on each day with clear skies and good wind on Saturday. On Sunday with cloudy skies and more wind, a thunder storm interrupted the racing. The boats waited on shore for a half an hour for the storm to pass through and then returned to racing.

Winner for the weekend was Alejandro Illera with Dave Chapin second and Jerry Beck third. Caroline Chapin was the first youth and the first women. Jennifer Jones was the second woman.

Monday through Thursday evening this week the Learn to Sail Camp continues.

Laser racing continues every other week end through the Summer.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


LMSA Wednesday Night Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
July 7 2010

1st When Frogs Fly FSCT 5267 Hicks & McCanbe
2nd Free Spirit CAT27 4995 Don Hoodering
3rd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest
4th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden
5th Sail Gator S2-7.9 293 Jerry Brinton
6th Dauntless PRS23 Lee Adkinson
7th Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin
8th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett
9th Endurance SPL21K Sea Tom Dyll
10th First Step CAT22 Dan Flick

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Lake Monroe Sailing Association
Wednesday June 30 2010

1st Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest
3rd Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden
4th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett
5th Gillravage PRS27 14 Willie Blevins
6th Free Spirit CAT27 4995 Don Hoofering

Sunday, June 27, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club Laser Fleet struggled with the light wind to get two races in on Saturday, but came back with the wind on Sunday with five races. The overall winner for the weekend was Ben Getchell with Rob Krentel second and Alejandro Illera third. The Sunday winner was Dave Chapin with Ben Getchell second. Caroline Chapin was the first woman.

The Laser will race again in two weeks.

A “learn to sail” camp will be he ld Monday through Thursday, July 5 through July 15 from 5 to 8 PM for youths 8 to 18 years of age. For registration and information email Leah Ladley at

Monday, June 14, 2010


Ten sailors at the Lake Eustis Sailing Club mastered the light winds and heat of the weekend. They managed five short races each day in their Laser sail boats while the other class boats continued the Summer vacation. Winner for the weekend was Dave Chapin followed by Rob Krentel second with Alejandro Illera third.

Next weekend the Sailing club will take part in the tenth Annual Summer Sailstice, which is a celebration of the sailing on the longest days of the year in the northern hemisphere. This is a world wide event, linked on the internet. The local sailors have invited sailing groups from central Florida to come and sail with them on Lake Eustis. They expect 30 or 40 visiting sail boats of a variety of types. Instead of regular races on Saturday there will be a Poker Run, a Pot luck and Sunset celebration. On Sunday a pancake breakfast, fun sail and tour of the Arnold Boat shop.

In two weeks the Laser class will race again.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Over the three day weekend the Lake Eustis Sailing Club held a variety of races to end their regular sailing and regatta season and slow down for the Summer.

On Saturday in the Flying Scot races, Ray Laguna was first with George Golder second and Ronald Stevenot third. David Moring won the MC scow races with David Leather second and John Houck third. The Laser winner was Ben Getchell followed by Rob Krentel and Alejandro Illera.

On Sunday in pursuit races, first MC scow was David Moring with Robert Newlin second and Jon Pomerleau third. The Flying Scot winner was Ray Laguna with David Asaibene second and George Golder third. The Laser first place was Alejandro Illera followed by Cameron Smith and Tom Rhodes.

This was followed by team racing and in the MC scows David Moring and Jon Pomerleau lead with Mike Kennan and Candi Robb second and Scott Tillema and Dave Johnson third.
The Lasers and 420s teamed together and Jerry Beck - Craig Yates and Monica Nagy leading Alejandro Illera- Nicole Dorman and Claire Epaillard. Cameron Smith- Sasha Yates and Evan Anthony were third.

On Monday the Laser class invited the other sailors to join them sailing Lasers with the best wind of the weekend. The winner was Alejandro Illera with Andy Fox second, and Ben Getchell third.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


LMSA Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
May 19 Rum Race

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest
2nd When Frogs Fly FSCT 1772 Byron Hicks
3rd Andiamo PRS23 John North
4th Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault
5th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden
6th Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Come join us for a free opportunity to experience sailing.

Lake Fairview Marina will host an "Open Sail Day",
Saturday May 22nd from 10AM until 4PM.

This event is free and open to the public.
We will have boats in the water and ready for you to experience the excitement of sailing!
Perhaps you are new to sailing and want to see what it is all about or you are an experienced sailor wanting to check out different types of boats, this is the event for you.

We are delighted to inform you that this month we will have theEDGE motorsailer by Hunter, a Precision 23 and the RS Feva for demo rides.

We are excited to announce that Kburgers will be available to purchase lunch, snacks, and drinks - so make plans for a
fun day and come join us!

Cynthia, Jay and Crew

Monday, May 17, 2010



1st Sunfish 76685 Paul Strauley LMSA 99.6 1.0 2.0 1.0 =4.0
2nd Sunfish 84800 Mindy Strauley LMSA 99.6 2.0 1.0 2.0 =5.0
3rd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA 96 3.0 3.0 3.0 =9.0
4th WhenFrogs FlyFSCT 1772 Byron Hicks LMSA 89.6 5.0 4.0 4.0= 13.0
5th Emerald CAT 22 15545 Willie Blevins LMSA 96.3 6.0 6.0 6.0=18.0
6th VulcanMermaidS2-6.7 60 Jeff Herter LMSA 87.4 4.0 10.0 5.0= 19.0
7th Andiamo PRS23 John North LMSA 96 8.0 5.0 10.0 =23.0
8th Watch This HTR23 85001 Jeff Laydon LMSA 96.2 11.0 7.0 7.0= 25.0
9th Lough-BuoyMCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA 100 9.0 8.0 8.0 =25.0
10th Sail Gator S2-7.9 293 Jerry Brinton LMSA 81 7.0 11.0 9.0 =27.0
11th Free Spirit CAT25 4995 Don Hoofering LMSA 87.4 10.0 9.0 11.0=30.0
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
SPRING SERIES 2010 Overall
1st Sunfish 76685 Paul Strauley LMSA DNC DNC DNC 1.0 2.0 1.0=25.0
2nd Sunfish 84800 Mindy Strauley LMSA DNC DNC DNC 2.0 1.0 2.0= 26.0
3rd VulcanMermaidS2-6.7 60 Jeff Herter 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 5.0= 28.0
4th ShowMePRS23 518 AndyForrestLMSA DNC DNC DNC 3.0 3.0 3.0 =30.0
5th WhenFrogsFlyFSCT 1772 ByronHicks LMSA DNC DNC DNC 5.0 4.0 4.0=34.0 6th SailGatorS2-7.9 293 JerryBrintonLMSA 4.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 11.0 9.0=35.0
7th Lough-BuoyMCG21 112 MikeLoughlin LMSA 2.0 4.0 4.0 9.0 8.0 8.0= 35.0
8th Emerald CAT 22 15545 WillieBlevinsLMSA DNC DNC DNC 6.0 6.0 6.0=39.0
9th WatchThisHTR23 85001 Jeff Laydon LMSA 6.0 5.0 5.0 11.0 7.0 7.0 =41.0
10th Andiamo PRS23 John North LMSA DNC DNC DNC 8.0 5.0 10.0 =44.0
11th Just Us SJ-21 810 CarltonBrownLMSA 1.0 1.0 DSQ DNC DNC DNC =45.0
12th Cast-a-WayPSN26 RichardMcFaydenLMSA 5.0 6.0 1.0 DNC DNC DNC =48.0
13th FreeSpiritCAT25 4995 DonHooferingLMSA DNC DNC DNC 9.0 9.0 11.0= 51.00

Sunday, May 16, 2010


At Lake Eustis Sailing Club light winds at noon on Saturday cancelled the afternoon races. The Flying Scot Fleet had a different group sailing on Saturday than on Sunday. In Saturday’s only race Andy Fox was first with Jack Bazner second and David Asaibene third, while on Sunday George Golder was first, with Randy Boekema second and David Asaibene third and the only one that sailed both days..

The weekend winner for the MC scow fleet and sailing both days was Jon Pomerleau , Robert Cole second and John Houch third. Candi Robb was the first woman.

The Wayfarer group was lead by Jim Lingeman, second Mike Murto and third Ted Benedict.

In the Laser races although Alejandro Illera won all the races he was in, he did not sail on Saturday so ended up fifth for the weekend. Rob Krentel was first, Sam Chapin second, and Tom Rhodes third. Cameron Smith was the first youth.

Youth training in Optimist Prams and 420 sailboats continues on Saturdays.

Next racing will be Memorial Day Weekend.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


LMSA Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
May 12 Rum Race
1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
2nd Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA
3rd Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA
4th When Frogs Fly FSCT 1772 Byron Hicks LMSA
5th Free Spirit CAT27 4995 Don Hoofering LMSA
6th Emerald CAT22 Willie Blevins LMSA
7th Watch This HTR23 Jeff Laydon LMSA
8th No Name HTR23 1030 George Hack LMSA
9th Sail Gator S2-7.9 293 Jerry Brinton LMSA
10th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett LMSA

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Lake Monroe Sailing Association

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
2nd Free Spirit CAT27 4990 Don Hoofering LMSA
3rd Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA

Monday, May 3, 2010


The strong southerly air flow that sent the oil slick nearer to Louisiana and Mississippi gave the members of the Lake Eustis Sailing club exciting racing over the weekend.

Winner in the MC scow class was Scott Tellima, second David Moring and third David Moorhouse.

Flying Scot boats were lead by Ray Laguna followed by Andy Fox and David Asaibene.

Jim Lingeman was first in the Wayfarers with Jim McIntyre second and Dave Hepting third.

Alejandro Illera lead the Lasers with Rob Krentel second and Mark Solal third. Cameron Smith was the first youth.

Starturday classes continue for youth is Optimist Prams with high school sailing Saturday afternoon.

Friday, April 30, 2010


LMSA Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
APRIL 28 Rum Race

1st Vulcan Mermaid S2-6.7 60 Jeff Herter LMSA
2nd Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA
3rd Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA
4th Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
5th Sail Gator S2-7.9 293 Jerry Brinton LMSA
6th No Name HTR23 1030 George Hack LMSA
7th Free Spirit CAT27 4995 Don Hoofering LMSA
8th Ha Ha PRS23 129 DJ McCabe LMSA
9th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden LMSA
10th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett LMSA
11th The "THE" VIV24 363 Jef Shelby LMSA

Friday, April 23, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
Rum Race April 21

1st Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
3rd No Name HTR23 1030 George Hack LMSA
4th Free Spirit CAT27 4995 Don Hoofering LMSA
5th Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA
6th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden LMSA
7th Ron Quixote HTR23 1031 Ron Ferland LMSA

Monday, April 19, 2010


Shifty light winds of the weekend following the strong winds of the week left the Lake Eustis Sailing Club with races for everyone on Saturday and only the Laser class boats racing both Saturday and Sunday.

The Laser races were won by Alejandro Illera with Sam Chapin second and Tom Rhodes third. Cameron Smith was the first youth and Jennifer Jones was the first woman.

C scow races on Saturday were won by Richard Kinnie, second was Othon Dominguez, and third Scott Tillema.

MC scow races won by Jon Pomerleau with Tim Fredman second and Ray Walker third. Candi Robb was the first woman.

Ray Laguna won the Flying Scot races with Ron Baerwitz second and George Golder third.

Youth training including the high school team continues on Saturdays while the next club races are in two weeks, May 1st and 2nd.


Come join us for a free opportunity to experience sailing.

Lake Fairview Marina will host an "Open Sail Day",
Saturday April 24th from 10AM until 4PM.

This event is free and open to the public - No sailing experience is necessary.
We will have boats in the water and ready to take for a sail so you can experience the excitement of sailing!
Perhaps you are new to sailing and want to see what it is all about or you are an experienced sailor wanting to check out different types of boats, this is the event for you.

We are excited to announce that Kburgers will be available to purchase lunch, snacks, and drinks - so make plans for a fun day and come join us!

Cynthia, Jay and Crew

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
Rum Race April 14
1st Gilravage PRS27 14 Andy Forrest LMSA
2nd Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett LMSA

Friday, April 9, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
Rum Race April 7

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
2nd Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA
3rd Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden LMSA
4th No Name HTR23 1030 George Hack LMSA
5th Anthony Roy F5 50 Anthony Roy LMSA
6th Ron Quoite HTR23 1031 Ron Ferland LMSA
7th Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA
8th Watch This HTR23 85001 Jeff Laydon LMSA
9th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett LMSA

Friday, April 2, 2010


Lake Monroe Sailing Association

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
2nd Ha Ha PRS23 129 DJ McCabe LMSA
3RD O'Tay ODY19 Kerry Shane LMSA
4th Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA
5th Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA
6th No Name HTR23 George Hack LMSA
7th Free Spirit CAT27 4990 Don Hoofering LMSA
8th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden LMSA

Monday, March 29, 2010


After their regatta season, the Lake Eustis Sailing Club returned to club racing with the warmer weather and brisk winds of Spring.

The MC scow class weekend was won by Jon Pomerleau, second Don Fancher, and third Mike Baldacchino.

Flying Scot racing was won by Ray Laguna who was the only Scot to sail both Saturday and Sunday. Jack Bazner was second and Greg Murphy was third.

Ted Benedict won the Wayfarer class on a tie break with Mike Murto second and David Hepting third..

In the Laser class Alejandro Illera was first, Rob Krentel Second and Marc Solal third.

The previous weekend the sailing club hosted the 38th Annual MC scow Mid-Winter Championship Regatta with 73 boats entered from 15 states.

Club racing continues through May and sailing lessons for youth, ages 8 to 18, continues on Saturdays.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


To all LMSA Members and Friends:

Yesterday, March 27th, Sailors from the Lake Monroe Sailing Association headed to Crescent City to participate in the Crescent City Yacht Club's 2nd annual regatta.

The winds were brisk around 15 mph out of the Northeast which kept a couple of sailors off of the course but as they say, the show must go on. The race committee held three races on beautiful Lake Crescent. Confusion during the start of the first race as sailors, due to the wind did not here the horns signals from the committee boat. Game Over, Gene Cocoran's C-22 piloted by John only flew the Genoa which confused racers because Game Over was as fast on one sail compared to the others boats.

LMSA sailors took home four out of the six trophies handed out yesterday. Congratulations to Monkey Butt helm by Byron Hick for capturing first place in the board boat division. Sanford's own Andy Forrest and Mike Padgett took Show Me to a second LMSA First Place win in the Portsmouth division. Vulcan Mermaid helm by Jeff Herter crewed by daughter Rebeca, Grandson Michael and Greg Archambault & Susie Dix grabbed third placed in Portsmouth division. Mike Loughlin and Bill Kruger captured a controversy third place in the board class by only sailing one race.

Congratulation go to Gene and John on Game Over for a second place in Portsmouth class and Jim and Margaret Davis for their second place in the board boat division.

The Lake Monroe Sailing Association holds monthly meetings and sailing events on and around Lake Monroe. Come out and Sail.

Lake Monroe Sailing Association
PO Box 297
Sanford, FL 32771

Friday, March 26, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
March 24

1st Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
3RD Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA
4th Ha Ha PRS23 129 Byron Hicks LMSA
5th Hunter 23 HTR23 1031 Ron Ferland LMSA
6th Club Somers MCG25 Leon Somers
7th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett LMSA

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Come join us for a free opportunity to experience sailing. Lake Fairview Marina will host an "Open Sail Day" this Saturday March 27th, from 10AM until 4PM. This event is free and open to the public. We will have boats in the water and ready for you to experience the excitement of sailing! Perhaps you are new to sailing and want to see what it is all about or you are an experienced sailor wanting to check out different type of boats, this is the event for you. The length of each sail and type of boat will vary according to participation. If you have a specific boat that you would like to test sail - please contact us in advance and we will try to accommodate your request.

If you can't make it this time, make sure to mark your calendar for next month. We will be doing this event on the 4th Saturday of each month thru May.

We hope to see you there!

Cynthia, Jay and Crew
Lake Fairview Marina

Saturday, March 20, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club held their Annual MC scow Midwinter Championship Regatta this past Thursday , Friday and Saturday with 73 boats from 15 states sailing 5 races. Sunday the visitors from up North were on their way home.

The overall winner was Rob Seidelman of New Jersey, Rob Terry of Michigan was second, with local sailors Andy Fox third and David Moring third.

The boats all started together on a mile long starting line, but prizes are awarded on the basis of age groups. Those under 50 years: Rob Seidelman first, David Moring second, Ted Keller of Michigan third. 50 to 60: Rob Terry of Michigan first, Andy Fox, of Florida second, Eric Hood of Wisconsin third. 60 to 70: Skip Moorhouse of New Jersey first, Lee Sayler of Florida second and Tim Fredman of Wisconsin third. Over 70: Rob Miller of Michigan first, Jack Kern of Texas second and Ron Reese of Michigan third.

Amy Larkin of Georgia was the only woman, although a few years ago the regatta was won by a woman. Ham Morgan of Texas was the only youth.

The races were sailed on Thursday with many of the boats adding crew to be able to manage the higher winds. With the lighter winds of Friday, most were back to the single sailor mode. On Saturday the last race scheduled was cancelled because the wind was shifting from very light to none.

The Melges Boat Works of Zenda, Wisconsin put on a “how to sail fast” clinic for 22 boats on Tuesday and Wednesday before the racing began.

This coming weekend the sailing club resumes youth sailing lessons with a start up class for beginning Optimist sailors on Saturday and club racing on Saturday and Sunday.


April 8 – 11, 2010
Thursday, April 8th : 6:00 pm - Early Arrivals, Sponsors & Committee Members Reception & Cocktail Party Sponsored by Skip & Lou Archibald

Friday, April 9th : 2:00 pm - Fun Orientation @ Kiwanis 6:00 pm - Dinner & Tales (PYOW*) at Fat Daddy's

Saturday, April 10th :
8:00 – 10:00 am – Late Registration (coffee and donuts served)** 11:00 am - Skippers' Meeting 12:00 noon - Races 1, 2, & 3 6:30 pm - Club Dinner & Door Prizes (World Famous Chefs Scott & Beth @ Kiwanis)

Sunday, April 11th :
8:00 am – Coffee and donuts served** 9:00 am - Skippers' Meeting 10:00 am - Races 4 & 5 Awards following the last race * PYOW - Pay Your Own Way (Sheriff’s Officers are OSC guests)
** Saturday & Sunday lunch is available ($6) – participants & racers can purchase in advance – go to

For additional information, contact:
OSC Regatta Chairman – Gene Brown at
OSC Commodore – Bob Cole at
OSC Race Commodore – Lynn Sims at

Thursday, March 18, 2010


LMSA Wednesday Night Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
Rum Race March 17th 2010
1st Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA 100
2nd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA 96
3rd The Rubber Duck HLR14 Jeff Herter LMSA 111
4th Chub Tub TNZ16 Tom Aliscio LMSA 97.1
5th Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA 91.2
6th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett LMSA 96.7


Monday, March 15, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club’s three day Midwinter Championship races for C scows and Melges 17 scows was wet and exciting with rain on Friday and strong winds on Saturday and Sunday.

C scows had Tom Keenan of Michigan and Lee Sayler local sailing club member from Jupiter, Florida tied for first after the first day of racing. Still tied after the second day of racing, but then Keenan pulled away in the three races on Sunday to win the championship. Lee Sayler was second for the weekend and Don Fancher, local sailing club member, third.

The Melges 17 scow class was won by Peter Lane of California, second was Lesa Gutenhurst of Wisconsin with Jim Hilgard of Michigan third.

C scow winner Tom Keenan is son of Frank and Vera Kennan of Eustis who are long time pillars of the local sailing. Tom was sailing with his son and daughter crewing for him.

The C scow is a design that has been sailing for 102 years and the Melges 17 scow is a recent design with many modern changes.

Next week is the Annual MC scow Midwinter Championship which usually draws 80 to 90 boats.


March 17th, Saint Patrick's Day, kicks off The Lake Monroe Sailing Association's, "Wednesday Night Rum Racing". All sailors are welcome to join in on the fun.

The rules are simple:

1.) Meet at the ramp around 6:00pm for check in
2.) Boats must all be over the Romance Marks by 6:30pm
3.) Head towards the #8 Navigational Marker, keep the marker to Starboard when rounding.
4.) Go back to the Romance Marks for the finish.
5.) You must keep your time and turn in an elapsed time to Mike.
6.) Stow your boat and head to Wolfy's for an adult beverage and the prize!

Please do not hesitate contact me should you have have any questions. See you on Wednesday!

Fair Winds,
Mike Loughlin
Lake Monroe Sailing Association

Monday, March 8, 2010


Winter came to an end with club racing at Lake Eustis Sailing Club this weekend and the sailors are looking forward to warmer weather and water.

Tim Fredman scored first after three races in the MC scow fleet with David Moorhouse second and Scott Tillema third. Jennifer Jones was the first woman and Mary Ann Ward second.

Richard Kinnie won the C scow races, Othon Dominguez second and Bob Dewitt third.

Flying Scot winner was Larry Klick with. David Asaibene second and Jack Bazner third. Anne Ireland was the first woman.

Jim Lingeman won both Wayfarer races with Ted Benedict second and Mike Murto third.

Alejandro Illera took first in the Laser group with Rob Krentel second and Sam Chapin third. Caroline Chapin was the first woman, Luke Yates the first youth, and Max Barton the second youth.

Two Lake Eustis Sailing Club members sailed in Saturday’s “Trans Monroe” race of the Lake Monroe Sailing Association . Patrick Daniel sailing his SR Max was first and Ray Laguna sailing his Catalina 22 third of the 20 boat entries on the 11 mile course.

The next two weekends will feature Mid winter Championships of C scows, E scows, M17 scows and MC scows with numerous visitors from the northern states.

Youth instruction continues of Saturdays.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Alejandro Illera wins eleven races in a row in the Laser sailboat class at Lake Eustis Sailing Club over the Saturday and Sunday, through the cold, the rain, the light winds of Saturday and strong winds and white capped waves of Sunday.

The C scow boats raced in the heavy winds of Sunday with Richard Kinnie first and Othon Dominguez second. Larry Klick was first in the Flying Scot races with Ray Laguna second.

The two races of the MC scow fleet left Jon Pomerleau and Scott Tellima tied for first with the tie breaker going to Pomerleau. Geoff Moehl was third.

In the Laser group behind Illera was Marc Solal second and Tom Rhodes third.

High School sailors and Youth Optimist group took Saturday sailing lesson off and had a great time marching in the cold rainy Eustis George Fest Parade. They will be sailing again next Saturday. A new beginners Optimist Pram sailing class (ages 10 to 15) starts March 27.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


To all Members and Friends of the Lake Monroe Sailing Association:

Below are the happens at the lake.

Saturday February 27th - Saturday Social Sail. All members and friends are invited to participate in the Social Sail. The club starts sailing around 3 in the afternoon and then rafts up around sunset. Bring food and beverage along with friends and family to enjoy an afternoon of sailing!

March 6th - 7th - The Trans Monroe. Contact Jeff Herter to help with this event.

All members please plan on attending both of these events and if you can not sail ask to help or crew.

Lake Monroe Sailing Association
PO Box 297
Sanford, FL 32771

Monday, February 22, 2010


Warm weather and lighter winds gave Lake Eustis Sailing Club’s George Washington Birthday Regatta and the 70 boats that came from around the country a full weekend of sailing.

The largest fleet was the Flying Scots with Jeff Linton from St. Petersburg the winner. Dave Chapin from Orlando was second and Ron Baerwitz of Orlando third.

The nineteen boat Laser Fleet was won by Ben Getchell of Eustis, who was also the first youth. Josie Trainer of Deltona Beach was second and the first woman. Alejandro Illera of Eustis was third..

In the Optimist fleet Luke Yates of Eustis was first overall and first in the red fleet. Arden Haley of Deltona Beach was the second in red fleet with Delancy Caron of Deltona Beach third. Blue fleet winner was Andrew Clarke of Deltona Beach. Chris Nagy of Winter Park was second and Rebecca Stambersky was third. Sasha Yates of Eustis was first in the Green Fleet with Sydney Proco of Deltona Beach second and Jeanette Getchell of Eustis third.

The Portsmouth fleet winner was Jim Heffernan of North Carolina sailing a Wayfarer. Jonathan Watson was second sailing a 420 and Nicole Dormand third sailing a 420.

The next regatta at Lake Eustis is March 12 to 14 with combined C scow, Melges 17, and E scow Midwinter Championships.

Youth sailing classes continue on Saturdays.


Lake Monroe Sailing Association
Winter Series 2010
R4 R5 R6

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA 96 1.0 (2.0) (2.0) 8.0 4.0
2nd Vulcan Mermaid S2-6.7 60 Jeff Herter LMSA 87.4 2.0 3.0 1.0 21.0 11.0
3rd Andiamo PRS23 John North LMSA 96 (5.0 DNC)(5.0DNC)5.0DNC21.0 11.0
4th Lough-Bouy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA 100 3.0 1.0 3.0 22.0 12.0
5th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden LMSA 90.6 (4.0) (4.0) 4.0 21.0 13.0
6th Sea-22 CAT22 Randy McPeak LMSA 96.3 5.0 DNC 5.0 DNC 5.0 DNC 30.0 20.0

Sunday, February 14, 2010


At the Lake Eustis Sailing Club high winds shut down Saturday’s regatta sailing last week and this week the unseasonable cold did the same to Saturday’s club racing.

The Laser fleet sailed Saturday and Sunday while Alejandro Illera won all five races. Rob Krentel was second and Marc Solal third.

The other boats sailed on Sunday with Mike Baldacchino, the first MC scow and John Houch, the second. Jim Hoffman was third.

Larry Klick was the first Flying Scot. Ray Laguna was the second and David Asaibene third.

Wayfarer race was won by David Hepting. Mike Murto was second and Jim Lingeman was third.

While the boats were racing Sunday on Lake Eustis, in the Mediterranean off the coast of Valencia, Spain the 90 foot BMW Oracle trimaran with a vertical airplane wing for a sail was winning the second race of the America’s Cup races and winning back the Cup for a United Sates Yacht Club.

For next weekend warmer weather with more stable wind are predicted for the Lake Eustis 40th Annual George Washington Birthday Regatta. About 70 boats are expected in 5 classes.


Members and friends of the CFYC.
We invite all boats to join us for the 2010 Clemens Cup Regatta on Lake Harris, March 13-14. See attached NOR and registration form for your use. Registration and meals tickets remain the same cost this year, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Let us know if you have any questions.

Jim Davis
CFYC team

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Sailors from Canada and 13 states were overcome by the weather on Saturday that shut down Washington DC with record snow fall and brought high winds to Lake Eustis. The winds caused 17 capsizes and cancellation of the races for the day.

The Lake Eustis Sailing Club was conducting a two class regatta with the Mid Winter Championship for the Wayfarer class that started on Friday and continued Sunday. Peter and Alex Rahn from Canada won all three races and the championship. Jim and Linda Heffernan from North Carolina were second with Richard Johnson and Michele Paarish third. Mike Murto and Izak Kielmovitch were the first local boat and fourth.

The MC scow regatta ended with just two races on Sunday. Rob Seidelman from New Jersey won both races and was first. Andy Fox from Chulota, Florida was second and Tim Fredman from Wisconsin third.

Regular club racing continues next week with advanced Optimist pram classes and 420 training for youth on Saturday.

In two weeks the Lake Eustis Sailing Club will hold the 40th Annual George Washington Birthday multi class regatta at Lake Eustis.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The Lake Monroe Sailing Association invites all sailors
to the Annual Trans-Monroe Regatta
Around the lake race Saturday, March 6th, 2010 (approximate. 11 mile
circumnavigation of Lake Monroe)
Buoy Races on Sunday, March 7th, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2009 Sunday, March 7, 2009
9:00 am – 11:00 am Registration 10:00 am – 10-15am Skipper’s Meeting
11:00 am – 11:15 am Skippers Meeting 11:00 am White Flag
12:00 pm White Flag (Sunday classes may include spinnaker, non-spinnaker & Catalina 22s)
Following Races Dinner and Results Following Race Awards
Regatta Fee: $40.00
US Sailing discount ($5.00)
LMSA Member Discount ($10.00)
Races shall be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012, the prescriptions of the United
States Sailing Association, the rules of the classes concerned (except as any of these that are altered
by the sailing instructions), and by the Trans-Monroe Regatta Committee.
Registration forms are available on LMSA’s website at or the day of regatta.
For more information contact Jeff Herter @ 407-579-9487.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The weatherman played tricks on the Lake Eustis Sailing Club over the weekend. Saturday morning fair winds died at noon when the rain came. The expected strong winds never developed. Many of the sailboats paddled back to shore after the last races. On Sunday with the colder temperatures, the predicted pleasant winds turned into strong gusts with several capsizes. Remaining races were then cancelled because of combination of cold temperature and strong winds. The Laser Fleet called it quits after four races and an hour and a half because most of the sailors were just too cold..

MC scow races on Saturday only, with Sunday cancelled. Dave Moorhouse first, Andy Fox second and David Moring third.

Flying scot group Saturday only, with Sunday cancelled. Ron Baerwitz first, Ray Laguna second, and Larry Klick third.

The Wayfarers had a two boat race with Jim and Linda Heffernan of North Carolina winning over Mike Murto of Leesburg.

Dave Chapin was ahead in the Laser fleet over both days with Alejandro Illera second and Rob Krentel third.

High School Sailing and Advanced Optimist pram instruction continues on each Saturday.

This coming week the MC scow “sail faster” clinic is Thursday and Friday with the annual Wayfarer Regatta and MC regatta on Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This week at the Lake Monroe Sailing Association!

Saturday, January 30th - This Saturday the Lake Monroe Sailing Association will hold their first race of the 2010 sailing season. Three races are scheduled following a skippers meeting at 11:00am in the parking lot of the marina. Saturday's races will be the first three of nine races that will start the Winter Series. All members are encouraged to race in this event since it will determine the Lake Monroe Champion at the end of 2010.

Saturday, January 30th - The Lake Monroe Sailing Association will host there monthly Saturday Social Sail. All sailors are welcome to participate in this event. Come out spend some time with the members of LMSA and enjoy the sunset with food and beverage. Everyone is encouraged to bring some food to share with other boaters. Hope to see you out there!

Trans - Monroe: This year the Trans Monroe will be held on March 6th and 7th. Jeff Herter has accepted the position of Chairperson and is in need of volunteers. Please reach out for any of your officers and or Jeff to help with the event.

Dues are due! - Please contact Bill Kruger to make arrangements for payment. Membership: $100.00 a year. New Membership and Associate Membership: $50.00.

LMSA 2010 Officers
Commodore: Mike Loughlin
Vice Commodore: Bernice Siebuhr
Treasurer: Bill Kruger
Secretary: Diane Forrest
Reporter: Pam Loughlin

Fleet Captain: Andy Forrest
Youth Sailing: Byron Hicks

Lake Monroe Sailing Association
PO Box 297
Sanford, FL 32771

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


JANUARY 16-18 2010
There were eight teams composed of skipper and two crew, 6 umpires and dozens of spectators at the event.

Match Race Regatta Report – Rollins College, Lake Virginia Winter Park, FL

Below is the list of umpires that participated in the Match Race at Rollins College this January 16th and 17th, 2010. Competition was conducted in event supplied Geary 18 match racing keelboats with main, jib and spinnaker.

Chief Umpire - John Fox
Umpire - Nancy Fox

Umpire - Mike Young
Umpire - Shirley Young

Umpire - Dick Tillman
Umpire - Linda Tillman
The event was conducted with 8 skippers in 4 boats with one reserve boat.
There were 3 umpire boats with two umpires on each boat.
The winds were 6-20 MPH from the South on Saturday January 16, 2010 and 12 to 28 MPH from the West on Sunday January 17, 2010.
There were 28 races in 14 flights in the event with 12 match races
on Saturday and 16 matches on Sunday. Spinnakers were flown on Saturday but not on Sunday.
Competitors ISAF Sailor ID No. Finish
Kevin Dooley USAKD35 1
Bill Gladstone USABG34 2
Marcella Butz (USF) USAMB95 3
Jason Limbach (Rollins) USAJL111 4
Jerry Butz USAJB95 5
Susie Schaill USASS132 6
Ann Marie Keck USAAK49 7
Marlene Sassaman USAMS156 8
The use of the 8 skipper 4 boat format proved to be very appealing to the competitors as it provided boat rotation and shore time for the competitors. The two day weekend format and complementary motel rooms also proved popular with the umpires and out of town competitors.
The event was conducted as an open event with both men and women teams. With 8 teams competing the event may be upgraded by the International Sailing Federation from a grade 5 event to a grade 4 event. The upgrading results in more match racing ranking points being awarded to each of the skippers based on their finish position.
For more information on match racing go to the ISAF website at


Larry Landrigan
Lake Baldwin Florida Community Sailing LLC
cell 407-467-89787

Monday, January 18, 2010


Warm temperatures returned to Lake Eustis this past weekend, but the windy conditions continued with many sailors intimidated by the strong winds.

In the MC scow fleet Scott Tillema was the only one to finish all four races over the weekend. Tim Eaton won both races on Sunday and Andy Fox had a first and a second on Saturday to dominate that day.

The Flying Scots had nine boats in the first race on Saturday and only three finishing the last race on Sunday. Ray Laguna was the winner if you rolled all the races together with George Golder second and Francois Simon third.

The Wayfarers only sailed three races with Jim Lingeman first, Jim McIntyre second and Mike Murto third.

The Laser fleet sailed twelve shorter races with Dave Chapin first, Alejandro Illera second and Rob Krentel third.

The advanced Optimist pram class for ages 8 to 15 practiced on Saturday as well as the high School sailors in the 420s.

Next Club racing is in two weeks while youth training continues on Saturdays..

Monday, January 4, 2010


The new decade of the Lake Eustis Sailing Club started poorly with rain just starting at midnight New Years Eve. Cold and rain on New Years Day cancelled the sailing they had planned for that day and the sailors went directly to the pot luck lunch. Saturday in the first day of racing one motor boat wouldn’t run, while Jim Lingeman who won the first Wayfarer race capsized in a wind gust in the second race. He and his crew were brought ashore to get warm dry clothes and the boat was rescued later.
Winners in the coldest weekend of the last and this decade were Dave Moring in MC scows with Tim Fredman second and Scott Tillema third. Larry Klick won all four Flying Scot races with George Golder second and Ray Laguna third. The Wayfarer races were won by Jim McIntyre, second was Dave Hepting with Jim Lingeman third. The Laser races had Alejandro Illera first, Rob Krentel second and Jerry Beck third.
Optimist pram classes for youth sailors on Saturday were postponed for a little warmer weather.