Monday, October 29, 2012

 The Lake Eustis Sailing Club held its 7th Annual Florida Inland Lake Youth Championship
Regatta for boys and girls 8 to 18 years of age in Optimist Prams, Laser 4.7, Laser radials and Club 420 boats this past weekend.  Hurricane Sandy passed by and left Wind Advisory for Lake County with 15 to 20 mph winds on the lake for fast and exciting racing for the 40 boats that came from across Florida for the competition.

The Club 420 winner was Carrie Marshall followed by Nicole Tullo and Della Lache.   Alecia Muscato was the first Laser4.7.  Chris Nagy was the second and Bailey Verkaik  third.   In the Laser radial class Adam Winton was first, Andrew Clark second and Luke Yates third.

The 24 boat Optimist Pram Class was divided into in experienced (green) fleet, inter mediate (white) fleet and advanced (blue).  The green fleet first place was McKenna Wherry, second Noah Lorenzen, and third Quinn Duckett.  Justin Callahan was the white fleet winner and Overall Opti fleet winner.  Wes Myler was white fleet second and Downing Nightingale third.  Max Epaillard was the first blue fleet and the second overall in the Opti.  Tyler Baker was the second blue fleet and the third overall.  Mathew Smith was the third in blue fleet.

Club racing returns next week and the MC scow Southeastern District Championship Regatta the week following. 

Classes for youth continue every Saturday with a new beginner’s class starting November 10, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Lake Eustis Sailing Club struggled with light winds for the last three weekends and finally the bigger winds filled in over the weekend with capsizes and fast, exciting sailing.

The MC scow winner was Geoff Moehl followed by Richard Kinnie and Monte Stamper. The flying Scot weekend leader was Gus Chennells in a tie breaker with Dean Grimes. Dave Meaker was third.

Ted benedict led the Wayfarer fleet with Mike Murto second and Jim Lingeman third.

The youth took over the Laser fleet with Luke Yates first and Cameron Smith in third. 
Rob Krentel was second to hold down a place for the adults.
Women sailing were Candi Rob in MC scow, Anne Ireland in Flying Scot and Clair
Epaillard and Leah Harper in the Laser.

Club racing continues next weekend and Youth instruction ever Saturday.

Monday, October 8, 2012

  The Lake Eustis Sailing Club continued to struggle with light winds during the Catamaran regatta this past weekend, when 30 boats from across Florida were only able to get in two races on Saturday and none on Sunday.

The Hobie 16 class was won by Pete Haley of Daytona Beach with Cheryl Johnson second and Mike Burley third.

The open non- spinnaker class was led by Bill Brooks from Tampa followed by Mark Baker and Cameron Smith.

Gina McDonald of Merritt Island was first in the F-16 group with Kristin
Beggs second.

Sarah Newberry led the F-18 class.  Mike Krantz was second with Dave Dunn third.

There was a tie for first between Woody Cope of St. Pete and Richard Kinnie of Ocoee in the F cat group.  O. H. Rodgers was third.

Next week the Sailing Club returns to club racing.