Monday, April 30, 2012


At the Lake Eustis Sailing Club in spite of the markedly shifty winds in both strength and direction that scrambled the finishes in most of the classes, Ray Laguna won all five of the Flying Scot races.  Dave Meaker was second and Al Pivonka was third.

Don Fancher was first in the MC scow group followed by David Leather and Ron Reeves.  Jennifer Jones was the first woman.

Pete Hylen lead the Wayfarers with Jim Lingeman second and Mile Murto third.

Laser fleet winner was Rob Krentel.  Alejandro Illera was second and Sam Chapin third.  Luke Yates was the first youth.

Club racing continues next week and instruction for youth continues every Saturday.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


The Lake Monroe Sailing Association hosted the Catalina Regional Championship Regatta for Region 3 this weekend. Thirteen Catalina 22's came to race in this week's event. Reid Collins on Chikin Ship captured the top spot of the regatta as LMSA's Randy Pawlowski would take second on Gold Rush with Keith Bennett on Screamin II rounding out the top 3.

Lake Monroe Sailing Association
PO Box 297
Sanford, FL 32772
Google Groups Page:

Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Lake Eustis sailing Club had another windy weekend with exciting racing.  David Helmick lead the MC scow fleet with 5 wins in 6 races and a capsize in the sixth  race.  Don Francher was second and Monte Stamper was third.  Dean Grimes and Joe Lobato were the first of the Flying Scot group followed by Gus Chennells and Randy Boekema.  The Wayfarer winner was Dave Hepting.  Pete Hylen was second and Jim Lingeman third.  Rob Krentel continued winning in the Laser fleet with Marc Solal second and Vince Renzoni third.

Lessons for Youth continue every Saturday and club racing returns in two weeks.