Monday, November 22, 2010


These are the results from the Sunday November 20, 2010, 2 on 2 Keel Boat team Race at Rollins College on Lake Virginia.
Thank You,
Larry Landrigan
Lake Baldwin Florida Community Sailing

Hi Everyone,

We had another beautiful day on the water at Lake Virginia. 13 sailors took to
the waters in 4 to 6 mph winds with gusts of 8 and 9 mph.
4 Geary 18's competed in 5 races - 2 on the yellow team and 2 on the blue
team. They sailed a box windward/leeward modified course.

Yellow team finished the day with 20 points and Blue team had a total of 30

Great job by all!!

See you again on December 4 and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Saturday, November 13, 2010


Special Olympics Sailing Program Team Race Results

- Larry Landrigan, Lake Baldwin Florida Community Sailing LLC.


It was a great turnout for our first sailing day and the weather was great! We
had 4 Geary 18 keel boats and two Hobies racing a windward/leeward "square" course with a finish to windward. The winds were a perfect 5 to 6 mph from the
north-northwest. Two keel boats were on the blue team with one Hobie and Two other keel boats
were on the Yellow team with the other Hobie.
Here are the result totals for the 5 races:
Boat #1 Blue - 11 (2 firsts, 1 second, 1 third, 1 fourth)

Boat #2 Blue - 14 (1 first, 1 second, 1 third, 2 fourths)
Boat #4 Yellow - 12 (2 firsts, 2 thirds, 1 fourth)
Boat #5 Yellow - 13 (3 seconds, 1 third, 1 fourth)

Hobie Blue - 7 (3 firsts, 2 seconds)Hobie Yellow - 8 (2 firsts, 3 seconds)

Total points for each team:
Blue = 32
Yellow = 33

Great job to both teams!! It was a very close competition.The next team race event is Saturday November 29, 2010 starting around 10:00 A.M. on Lake Virginia at Rollins College.


Monday, November 8, 2010


The Lake Eustis Sailing Club suffered from the high winds and cold temperatures of the past week end with fewer sailors venturing out and of those that did, some had to be towed back in with broken parts and swamped hulls.

The MC Scow class winner for the weekend was Tim Fredman. Mike Baldacchino second and Geoff Moehl third.

Tom McNally, new to Flying Scots, took first place in Scots with Ray Laguna second and George Golder third.

First in Lasers was Tom Rhodes followed by Sam Chapin and Rob Krentel.

Next weekend will be the MC Scow Southeastern district Championship with 40 sailors coming from Texas to South Carolina to attend a clinic on Friday and races on Saturday and Sunday.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Wednesday Night Rum Racing
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
November 3rd Rum Race
1ST Just Us SJ-21 Aggie and Carlton Brown 94.7
2nd Nothin Doin HTR260 Greg Archambault 91.2
3rd TD SJ-21 Tom Dyll 94.7
4th Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest 96
5th Azureus JAV 1772 DJ McCabe 110.328
6th Stealing Time HTR260 Steve Dix 91.2
7th Risky Business S2-7.9 Fisk Hayden 81
8th Free Spirit CAT27 Don Hoffering 87.4
8th Lough - Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin 100

Monday, November 1, 2010


Fortyseven youth sailors from across Florida sailed at the Lake Eustis Sailing Club over the weekend in the Fourth Annual Inland Lake Youth Championship races.

They had good winds on Saturday for four and five races and then on Sunday looked at their reflections in the smooth water until it was time for trophies, lunch, and pack up for home.

The Laser Radial winner was local sailor Ben Getchell with Bianca Mesa of McIntosh second and Ryan Clark of Deltona Beach third.

Alicia Muscato of Fort Myers was first in the Laser4.7 class, Arden Haley of Deltona Beach was second and Delancy Caron of Deltona third.

In the Club 420 class Darcy Jensen/Melanie Ladley of Eustis were first, Franklin Trainer/Courtney Bond of Deltona Beach second and Caroline Ladley/Keegan Connally third.

Overall winner of the Optimist Pram group was Johnny Fewell of Jacksonville, Lucas Galarza of Venice second and Max Epaillaird of Mt. Dora third. Gabriel Mesa of McIntosh was fourth.

In the beginners Opti group Bobby Guild of Jacksonville was first, Cape Monn of Eustis second and Reedy Monahan of Jacksonville third.

Next weekend, the Lake Eustis Sailing Club will return to Club Racing with the 16th Southeast Regional MC Scow Championship Regatta the following week.