Monday, May 31, 2010


Over the three day weekend the Lake Eustis Sailing Club held a variety of races to end their regular sailing and regatta season and slow down for the Summer.

On Saturday in the Flying Scot races, Ray Laguna was first with George Golder second and Ronald Stevenot third. David Moring won the MC scow races with David Leather second and John Houck third. The Laser winner was Ben Getchell followed by Rob Krentel and Alejandro Illera.

On Sunday in pursuit races, first MC scow was David Moring with Robert Newlin second and Jon Pomerleau third. The Flying Scot winner was Ray Laguna with David Asaibene second and George Golder third. The Laser first place was Alejandro Illera followed by Cameron Smith and Tom Rhodes.

This was followed by team racing and in the MC scows David Moring and Jon Pomerleau lead with Mike Kennan and Candi Robb second and Scott Tillema and Dave Johnson third.
The Lasers and 420s teamed together and Jerry Beck - Craig Yates and Monica Nagy leading Alejandro Illera- Nicole Dorman and Claire Epaillard. Cameron Smith- Sasha Yates and Evan Anthony were third.

On Monday the Laser class invited the other sailors to join them sailing Lasers with the best wind of the weekend. The winner was Alejandro Illera with Andy Fox second, and Ben Getchell third.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


LMSA Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
May 19 Rum Race

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest
2nd When Frogs Fly FSCT 1772 Byron Hicks
3rd Andiamo PRS23 John North
4th Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault
5th Cast-a-Way PSN26 Richard McFayden
6th Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Come join us for a free opportunity to experience sailing.

Lake Fairview Marina will host an "Open Sail Day",
Saturday May 22nd from 10AM until 4PM.

This event is free and open to the public.
We will have boats in the water and ready for you to experience the excitement of sailing!
Perhaps you are new to sailing and want to see what it is all about or you are an experienced sailor wanting to check out different types of boats, this is the event for you.

We are delighted to inform you that this month we will have theEDGE motorsailer by Hunter, a Precision 23 and the RS Feva for demo rides.

We are excited to announce that Kburgers will be available to purchase lunch, snacks, and drinks - so make plans for a
fun day and come join us!

Cynthia, Jay and Crew

Monday, May 17, 2010



1st Sunfish 76685 Paul Strauley LMSA 99.6 1.0 2.0 1.0 =4.0
2nd Sunfish 84800 Mindy Strauley LMSA 99.6 2.0 1.0 2.0 =5.0
3rd Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA 96 3.0 3.0 3.0 =9.0
4th WhenFrogs FlyFSCT 1772 Byron Hicks LMSA 89.6 5.0 4.0 4.0= 13.0
5th Emerald CAT 22 15545 Willie Blevins LMSA 96.3 6.0 6.0 6.0=18.0
6th VulcanMermaidS2-6.7 60 Jeff Herter LMSA 87.4 4.0 10.0 5.0= 19.0
7th Andiamo PRS23 John North LMSA 96 8.0 5.0 10.0 =23.0
8th Watch This HTR23 85001 Jeff Laydon LMSA 96.2 11.0 7.0 7.0= 25.0
9th Lough-BuoyMCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA 100 9.0 8.0 8.0 =25.0
10th Sail Gator S2-7.9 293 Jerry Brinton LMSA 81 7.0 11.0 9.0 =27.0
11th Free Spirit CAT25 4995 Don Hoofering LMSA 87.4 10.0 9.0 11.0=30.0
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
SPRING SERIES 2010 Overall
1st Sunfish 76685 Paul Strauley LMSA DNC DNC DNC 1.0 2.0 1.0=25.0
2nd Sunfish 84800 Mindy Strauley LMSA DNC DNC DNC 2.0 1.0 2.0= 26.0
3rd VulcanMermaidS2-6.7 60 Jeff Herter 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 5.0= 28.0
4th ShowMePRS23 518 AndyForrestLMSA DNC DNC DNC 3.0 3.0 3.0 =30.0
5th WhenFrogsFlyFSCT 1772 ByronHicks LMSA DNC DNC DNC 5.0 4.0 4.0=34.0 6th SailGatorS2-7.9 293 JerryBrintonLMSA 4.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 11.0 9.0=35.0
7th Lough-BuoyMCG21 112 MikeLoughlin LMSA 2.0 4.0 4.0 9.0 8.0 8.0= 35.0
8th Emerald CAT 22 15545 WillieBlevinsLMSA DNC DNC DNC 6.0 6.0 6.0=39.0
9th WatchThisHTR23 85001 Jeff Laydon LMSA 6.0 5.0 5.0 11.0 7.0 7.0 =41.0
10th Andiamo PRS23 John North LMSA DNC DNC DNC 8.0 5.0 10.0 =44.0
11th Just Us SJ-21 810 CarltonBrownLMSA 1.0 1.0 DSQ DNC DNC DNC =45.0
12th Cast-a-WayPSN26 RichardMcFaydenLMSA 5.0 6.0 1.0 DNC DNC DNC =48.0
13th FreeSpiritCAT25 4995 DonHooferingLMSA DNC DNC DNC 9.0 9.0 11.0= 51.00

Sunday, May 16, 2010


At Lake Eustis Sailing Club light winds at noon on Saturday cancelled the afternoon races. The Flying Scot Fleet had a different group sailing on Saturday than on Sunday. In Saturday’s only race Andy Fox was first with Jack Bazner second and David Asaibene third, while on Sunday George Golder was first, with Randy Boekema second and David Asaibene third and the only one that sailed both days..

The weekend winner for the MC scow fleet and sailing both days was Jon Pomerleau , Robert Cole second and John Houch third. Candi Robb was the first woman.

The Wayfarer group was lead by Jim Lingeman, second Mike Murto and third Ted Benedict.

In the Laser races although Alejandro Illera won all the races he was in, he did not sail on Saturday so ended up fifth for the weekend. Rob Krentel was first, Sam Chapin second, and Tom Rhodes third. Cameron Smith was the first youth.

Youth training in Optimist Prams and 420 sailboats continues on Saturdays.

Next racing will be Memorial Day Weekend.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


LMSA Rum Race
Lake Monroe Sailing Association
May 12 Rum Race
1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
2nd Lough-Buoy MCG21 112 Mike Loughlin LMSA
3rd Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA
4th When Frogs Fly FSCT 1772 Byron Hicks LMSA
5th Free Spirit CAT27 4995 Don Hoofering LMSA
6th Emerald CAT22 Willie Blevins LMSA
7th Watch This HTR23 Jeff Laydon LMSA
8th No Name HTR23 1030 George Hack LMSA
9th Sail Gator S2-7.9 293 Jerry Brinton LMSA
10th Miss P SRS21 Mike Padgett LMSA

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Lake Monroe Sailing Association

1st Show Me PRS23 518 Andy Forrest LMSA
2nd Free Spirit CAT27 4990 Don Hoofering LMSA
3rd Nothin Doin HTR260 794 Greg Archambault LMSA

Monday, May 3, 2010


The strong southerly air flow that sent the oil slick nearer to Louisiana and Mississippi gave the members of the Lake Eustis Sailing club exciting racing over the weekend.

Winner in the MC scow class was Scott Tellima, second David Moring and third David Moorhouse.

Flying Scot boats were lead by Ray Laguna followed by Andy Fox and David Asaibene.

Jim Lingeman was first in the Wayfarers with Jim McIntyre second and Dave Hepting third.

Alejandro Illera lead the Lasers with Rob Krentel second and Mark Solal third. Cameron Smith was the first youth.

Starturday classes continue for youth is Optimist Prams with high school sailing Saturday afternoon.