Monday, December 7, 2009


The cold rain Friday cancelled the Eustis First Friday Carnival, lighted boat parade, and continued into Saturday to shut down half of the Lake Eustis Sailing Club races.

The Laser class did get in 6 races on Saturday and 5 races on Sunday with Sam Chapin the overall winner, second Rob Krentel, and third Jerry Beck. The first youth was Luke Yates.

On Sunday the MC scows had 20 sailboats turn out for their two races with Jon Pomerleau first, Tom Schmidt second, and Dave Moring third.. In that class Jennifer Jones was the first woman, Mary Anne Ward second, and June Howells third.

Jim Lingeman won the Wayfarer races with two firsts. Jim McIntyre was second and Dave Hepting third. Flying Scot races were won by Ray Laguna and the C scow races by Richard Kinnie.

Club racing continues next weekend before skipping two weeks for the holidays.

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