Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Lake Eustis Sailing Club had its regular Laser races over the week end with Sam Chapin first followed by Vince Renzoni and Craig Yates. 

While this was going on, the Club celebrated the “International Sailstice”, an activity started in California to get sailors all out on the water someplace in the Northern Hemisphere on the Saturday nearest the Summer Solstice or the longest day of the year.  This year the Lake Eustis Club invited the Mount Dora Yacht Club, the Ocala Sailing Club, the Central Florida Yacht Club, the Central Florida Trailer Sailors and the West Coast Trailer Sailors to come and join them.  Entertainment on Saturday was a Barbeque, live music, Poker run, and moon light sail.   Ann Ireland and Sherry Magno won the poker run in a Flying scot, while a large variety of sail boats cruised the Lake.

Laser racing will return in two weeks.  A learn to sail camp for youth ages 8 to 18 will start July 8th.  Regular youth sailing on Saturday will start in September.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rob Krentel mastered the light winds of Saturday and gusty ones of Sunday to win eight of the nine races the Laser fleet had over the weekend at the Lake Eustis Sailing Club.  Jerry Beck was second with Vince Renzoni third in the group of eight boats sailing. Chris Nagy of Orlando was the first youth. The other classes of sail boats take a summer vacation from racing. The Laser group continues a regular every other weekend racing schedule.

The Lake Eustis Sailing Club Youth Foundation will hold an evening learn to sail camp for youth ages 8 to 18 starting July 8th.   The youth Saturday “learn to sail” classes will start again in September.