Monday, November 19, 2012

 The Lake Eustis Sailing Club had the cool windy weather of Fall on the weekend with fast exciting sailing. MC scow winner was Don Francher followed by Ed Sims and Ron Reeves. Dean Grimes and Joe Lobato won the Flying Scot races with Larry Klick second and Gus Chennells third. Jim McIntyre won both Wayfarer races. Jim Lingeman was second and David Hepting third. Rob Krentel was the Laser winner. Luke Yates second Laser and first Youth Laser. Sam Chapin was the third Laser.
Youth instruction continues every Saturday. The next regatta is in Februa

Monday, November 12, 2012

 The Lake Eustis Sailing Club seems to alternate weekend weather from very light wind one weekend to brisk wind the next and this past weekend for the  19th Southeast Regional MC scow regatta the 29 boat attending had the more than adequate wind with exciting sailing and a few capsizes.

The overall winner and the winner in the under 50 age group was Rob Seidelmann from New Jersey. Local sailor Dave Moring was second overall and second in the under 50 age group. Tim Fredman from Wisconsin was third overall and first in the 60 to 70 age group.  Local Sailors David Helmick was first in the 50 to 60 age group and Lee Sayler, first in the over 70 age group.  Candi Robb was the first woman. 

Club racing returns next weekend with Youth instruction every Saturday.

Monday, November 5, 2012

 The Lake Eustis Sailing Club had light winds and fog that slowed racing over the weekend.   Winner in the limited racing in MC scows was Dave Moring with Craig Eaton second and Robert Cole third.  Dean Grimes lead the flying Scots followed by Randy Boekema and David Asaibene. The
Wayfarers had no races.  Youth continued winning in Laser group with Luke Yates first and followed by not so youth Sam Chapin and Vince Renzoni.

Southeast regional Championship Regatta for MC scows is scheduled for next week with 50 boats expected. 

Youth sailing instruction continues every Saturday with a new class for beginners age 8 to 18 is scheduled for next Saturday.